Anna Salter, Ph.D.
P.O Box 210
Jefferson, CO 80456
E-mail: acsalter@annasalter.com (Preferred)
Tel: 719-836-8215

About Anna Salter
Dr. Salter received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and Public Practice from Harvard University and obtained a Masters Degree in Child Study from Tufts. She was a Teaching Fellow at both Universities.
She lectures and consults on sex offenders and victims throughout the United States and abroad. She has keynoted conferences on sexual abuse in Australia, New Zealand, Scotland and England. In all, she has conducted trainings in 50 states and 10 countries. Dr. Salter also evaluates sex offenders for civil commitment proceedings and other purposes. She testifies as an expert witness in sexual abuse civil and criminal cases.
Before moving to Madison, Dr. Salter was on the faculty of Dartmouth Medical School in Lebanon, New Hampshire in the Departments of Psychiatry and Maternal and Child Health. While there, she was Director of Psycho-social Training for the Pediatric Residency Program, Director of Child Psychiatry Consultation to the Pediatric Ward, Co-Director of the Parenting Clinic, Assistant Director of the Children-at-Risk Program and Director of the Parents in Distress Program. She also won the Saul Blatman Teaching Award in the Department of Pediatrics and Maternal and Child Health.
Dr. Salter is the 1997 winner of the Significant Achievement Award from the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers.
She is the author of several nonfiction books, including:
Predators: Pedophiles. (2003) New York: Basic Books,
and Other Sex Offenders: Who They Are, How They Operate and How We Can Protect Ourselves and Our ChildrenRapists
Transforming Trauma: A Guide to Understanding and Treating Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. (1995), Newbury Park, CA, Sage Publications
Treating Child Sex Offenders and Victims: A Practical Guide. (1988) Newbury Park, CA, Sage Publications.
In addition, she has produced two educational DVDs:
Truth, Lies and Sex Offenders
Sadistic Offenders: How They Think, What They Do
Dr. Salter has also published forensic mysteries including:
Shiny Water
Fault Lines
White Lies
Prison Blues
has been nominated for a 2003 Edgar Allan Poe Award in the category of Best Original Paperback.Prison Blues
Educational Record
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and Public Practice
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
MA in Child Study Tufts University,
Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study
Medford, Massachusetts
BA in Philosophy and English
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina,
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Teaching Fellow
Department of Psychology and Social Relations
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Teaching Fellow
Department of Child Study
Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts
Professional Experience
1978 - present
Dr. Salter has conducted trainings on sexual abuse in 50 states and 10 countries (England, Canada, Scotland, France, Sweden, Holland, Australia (including Tasmania), New Zealand, Germany, Costa Rico)
1996 - 2019
Department of Corrections, State of Wisconsin
Key Trainings:
Boston, Texas
Atlanta, Arizona, California, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Nebraska, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tasmania, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin,
Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois
Iowa, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin
Alaska, Florida, Kansas, Illinois, London Canada, Montana, New York, Paris France, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Winnipeg Canada, West Virginia, Wisconsin
California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New York, Regina (Canada), Regina Canada, Texas, Victoria (Canada), Toronto (Canada), Victoria (Canada), Wisconsin,
Alaska, Connecticut, Florida, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, Washington DC, Wisconsin
California, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Dakota, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin
Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin
Arizona, Germany, Indiana, Louisiana, Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin
Alabama, California, Canada, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Vermont
Private Practice, Lebanon, New Hampshire
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and
Clinical Maternal and Child Health
Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and
Maternal and Child Health
Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry,
Department of Psychiatry
Dartmouth Medical School Hanover, New Hampshire
Director of Child Psychiatry Consultation Service
Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital and Clinic
Hanover, New Hampshire
Director of Psychosocial Education
Pediatric Residency Training Program,
Department of Maternal and Child Health
Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire
Assistant Director, Children-At-Risk Program,
Department of Maternal and Child Health
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Hanover, New Hampshire
Co-Director, Parenting Clinic
Department of Maternal and Child Health
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Hanover, New Hampshire
Director, Parents in Distress Program
Department of Maternal and Child Health
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Hanover, New Hampshire
Psychologist, Children-At-Risk Program
Department of Maternal and Child Health
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Hanover, New Hampshire
West Central Community Mental Health Services
Hanover, New Hampshire
Assistant Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire
Publications, Awards & Examples of Workshops
Working with Victims and Offenders of Sexual Abuse. Three Day Workshop, Launceston, Tasmania.
Salter, A. Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists, and Other Sex Offenders: Who They Are, How They Operate, and How We Can Protect Our Children. New York: Basic Books, 2003.
“Truth, Lies, and Sex Offenders,” and “Sadistic and Nonsadistic Sex Offenders,” (Educational Films). Newbury Park, CA, Sage Publications.
“Sex Offender Assessment and Treatment.” Paper presented at Sexual Abuse, Research and Treatments Conference sponsored by the L’Institut de la famille de Toulouse, Lillie, France, November 26th – 28th, 1998.
“Evaluation and Treatment of Sex Offenders,” Workshop presented in Stockholm, Sweden, November 20th, 1998.
Salter, A. Confessions of a whistleblower: Lessons learned. Ethics and Behavior. 8(2), 1998, pp. 115-124.
Significant Achievement Award, Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, October 1997. Presented at the ATSA National Conference, Arlington, VA, October 16, 1997.
Salter, A. “Risk Assessment of Sex Offenders,” Keynote Address presented at the National Offender Treatment Association, Southampton, England, September 11, 1997.
Salter, A. “Special Issues in Sex Offender Assessment and Treatment.” Workshop presented at A Gathering of Experts., San Diego, August 22, 1997.
Salter, A. ”Confessions of a Whistle Blower: Lessons Learned.” Presented at the American Psychological Association, August 18, 1997.
Salter, A. "Adjudication of Sex Offenders," presented at 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999 Florida College of Advanced Judicial Studies.
"Understanding Sexual Violence: The Judicial Response to Stranger and Nonstranger Rape and Sexual Assault," presented at the Northern New England Judicial Education Conference, October 20, 1996, Bretton Woods, NH.
Salter, A. Transforming Trauma: A Guide to Understanding and Treating Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1995
Keynote Speaker. "How to Get Sex Offenders out of the Heads of Victims"
presented at the National Conference on Child Sexual Abuse. February 1995, Auckland, New Zealand.
Featured Speaker. 2 Day Workshops in each of 6 Australian cities on Assessment and Treatment of Sex Offenders and Victims, February and March 1995.
Keynote Speaker. "Treating Victims and Offenders of Child Sexual Abuse" and "Transforming Trauma" presented at the First National Conference on Child Sexual Abuse for the Children's Protection Society, March 16-18, 1994, Melbourne Australia.
Salter, A. Epidemiology of child sexual abuse. In O'Donohue, W., and Geer,
J. H. The Sexual Abuse of Children: Theory and Research Volume 1.
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992
Salter, A. Response to the "Abuse of the child sexual abuse
accommodation syndrome.” Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. V. 1(4), pp. 173-177, 1992.
"Parents in Distress Program." Keynote Speaker at the New England Association of Child Welfare Commissioners and Directors Annual Meeting; Warwick, Rhode Island. February 1989.
"A Systems Approach to Managing Sexual Offenders." National Institute of Corrections Conference; Boulder, Colorado. September 12-16, 1988.
Grant Recipient. Principal Investigator. National Institute of Corrections, Washington, D.C. "Training Child Sex Offenders: A Curriculum for Mental Health Professionals within Corrections." July 1988.
Grant Recipient. Principal Investigator. National Institute of Corrections, Washington, D.C. "Audiovisual Presentation on the Treatment and Assessment of Child Sex Offenders Designed as Companion Materials to be Used with Training Child Sex Offenders: A Curriculum for Mental Health Professionals within Corrections. " July 1988.
Grant Recipient. Principal Investigator. New England Child Welfare Commissioners, "The Reliability of Children's Testimony in Child Sexual Abuse Cases," April 1988.
Salter, A. Treating Child Sex Offenders and Victims. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1988.
Grant Recipient. Hitchcock Foundation, Hanover, New Hampshire. "Psychopathology, Empathy and Life Stress Factors Correlated with Maltreatment of Children." September 1987.
Grant Recipient. Co-investigator with S. Kairys, M.D. National Institute of Corrections, Washington, D.C. "Treating Child Sex Offenders: A Curriculum for Mental Health Professionals," September 15, 1987.
Grant Recipient. Charles Ulrich and Josephine Bay Foundation, New York, New York. Grant to implement Child Abuse Treatment Project. December 1986.
Grant Recipient. Charles Ulrich and Josephine Bay Foundation, New York, New York. Planning Grant to develop Child Abuse Treatment Project. December 1985
Salter, A., Kairys, S., and Richardson, C. "Treating Abusive Parents," Child Welfare, 64(4): 327-241, July-August 1985.
Salter, A., Richardson, C., and Martin, P "Working with Abused Preschoolers: A Guide for Caretakers,". Child Welfare, 64(4): 343-356, July-August 1985.
Grant Recipient. B.R.S.G. Dartmouth Medical School Research Grant Committee, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. Pilot study on "Psychopathology, Empathy and Life Stress: Factors Correlated to Child Maltreatment. 1984.
Saul Blatman Award for Excellence in Teaching, Pediatric Residency Training Program, Department of Maternal and Child Health, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire. 1984